The Evolution of the JoJo Fletcher Design
Step 1. Play with your sister's spirograph a lot!
Step 2. Notice stuff. Fresh out of school I worked in the design lab in Toronto and everyday I passed by a hotel and I really thought the logo on the side was clever.... turns out it was the Four Seasons. Classic!
Step 3. Think other mediums. Shapes and patterns are all around us. This tile is not only not flat, the shading in the glase emphasizes the dimension. So.... I started thinking about creating dimension.
Step 4. For me, it helps to have a theme, and I started with a feather - fletcher - right. Also fleche is arrow in french - thanks Elaine. But I was also thinking target, and of course cupid..... bachelorette and all.
Step 5. Failure 1... pretty, and I may re-visit it one day.... arrows, geometry... and the little x denoting a kiss......um, nope.
Step 6. Failure 2... very similar... more geometry and way, way, way too busy!
Step 7. Failure 3... a more literal interpretation of a feather, not accurate but most definitely recognizable. I’m still employing geometric repetition, but this design is more traditional.
Step 8. Success... I really did a hyper-geometric interpretation of a feather... channeling a bit of the 70’s along the way. Summer was approaching and I was also mulling over cooling shade, adding a shadow effect. Thinking of cold lemonade on a summer’s day, the “feathers’ have almost a lemon shape.
I did the first prototypes in paper..... I totally agree with JoJo..... my fave as well.